This is a fairly typical Friday at my house. People wonder why I am so tired by the time Friday nights roll around.......Here is why.
7:00am - Middle (21 months) arrives. Breakfast is served.
7:15am - Baby (8mo) arrives. Baby is soaking wet because he puked in the car on
the way over so a change of clothes is in order. Baby also pee'd all
over his parents bed this morning so his Mom (my sister) brought the
sheets for me to wash as their washing machine died/broke last night.
7:30am - Middle is finished with breakfast.
Baby is changed and playing.
Sheets are washing.
Dog is barking and begging to be let back inside, so to her room she
Cat is screaming to be let out of his room, so out he comes.
(My office doubles as the animal room and where my dog spends her
days as she isn't the biggest fan of having lots of kiddos underfoot.)
8:00am - I eat cold left over pizza for breakfast.
I start to get everything ready so we can leave the house at 8:45am to
take Baby to nurse. I don't feel like condensing so each child has a bag
with their clothes, diapers, wipes, and snacks. Then I get my purse.
FOUR bags, this is ridiculous! Haha
8:30am - Oldest arrives. We have to immediately find a baby for her, since
Middle is playing with "her" baby.
8:40am - I need to go to the bathroom before we leave. This is what a bathroom
trip looks like in my house:
Baby: Sleeping in sling
Middle: Needs her nose wiped, but there is only a small amount of toilet
paper left so I can only use a square of t.p
Oldest: Laying on the floor crying because she can't sit on my lap.
Cat: Trying his best to get some attention. Seriously Cat? I just need 30
seconds to pee children!
8:45am - Still wearing Baby in the sling I grab the FOUR bags and ask the girls to
walk to my car and "Glue your hands to Aunties car". They do really
well with this command. Except for today.
I close and lock the house, and head to the car. NO car key. Get all
three kiddos back to the house, go inside, still can't find the car key. Oh,
look it was in my purse after all. Gesh!
To the car, again......This time I realize that Baby's car seat is still in the
house. Ok, toddlers, back inside we go AGAIN!
Attempt to install Baby's UppaBaby Vista car seat (LOVE this seat btw.)
Failed twice. By now I am sweating and HOT!
FINALLY got Baby's seat installed correctly. Now to buckle everyone
in. This is exhausting, and I need a wider car.
Phew!! Finally. I am now in the front seat and definitely need a
9:14am - That took THIRTY minutes. Oh good golly!!
9:30am - Arrive at school. Get all three kiddos out of the car, there are parking spots open everywhere but a parents decides to park right next to me
while I am trying to unload three from car seats. Really? It seemed like
a smart idea to choose THIS parking spot? Ey, ey, ey!
I do P.E with the Kinders and my two while baby nurses.
9:45am - Baby is finished nursing, but we hang out with Grandma (the first grade
teacher) and kill some time before we head to the park to wear the
kiddos out!
12:20pm - Back home! Baby is sleeping, Middle is sleeping, and COVERED with
her green bean puree that she had eaten on the ride home. Oldest is
complaining about not wanting to take a nap. FOUR bags back inside
the house, three children and the rest of my Starbucks drink.
Middle: Down for a nap
Oldest: Refused to nap, so I told her it is quiet time. She goes for this, and is
SOUND asleep in under 5 minutes.
Baby: Woke up, but thankfully went back to sleep quickly.
ME: Eating a quick lunch, switching the laundry & painting my nails while writing
this blog post, AND a bathroom trip all by myself!
Oldest is going home first at 3:00pm, so as soon as my nails are dry enough to organize I will get her bag ready to go.
Middle will go home around 3:45pm, and since she didn't eat she will eat her lunch when she wakes up. So that is all set up and ready to go.
Baby will go home sometime between the two girls and will want to eat when he wakes up so his milk is defrosting, and the bottle is ready for when he wakes.
Once everyone leaves it will be time to clean the playroom and vacuum the areas used today. Take care of the dog and cat, then freshen up my hair, make-up and clothes since I have a party to attend to this evening. Oh! I also have to wrap the white elephant gift for the party tonight.
5:00pm - Volunteering at school to help with their Christmas Vespers program tonight.
7:00pm - Christmas party & White Elephant gift exchange.
11:00pm - BED!!