Sunday, November 2, 2014

"I am actually the nanny."   This is a sentence I utter at least once a day, and have for the last 20 years.

My charges and I like to get out and about during the day.  We go to parks, the Zoo, Legoland, Sea World, shopping, out to lunch and playdates.  I frequently wear my charges and interact with them more like a mother would then just a babysitter.  As a result I get all kinds of comments about the kiddos from people assuming I am the mother.  I joke that I need a button to wear that says "I am the Nanny." but people probably wouldn't read it anyways.

Presently I am nannying my nieces and nephew so most days I have a 2.5 year old, a 1.5 year old & a 1 year old.  My nephew who is 7 months comes a few days a month.  My days are full of laughter, changing diapers, encouraging the girls to not fight over the same toys (especially since there are multiples of most every toy!)

With three, sometimes four, kiddos under three years old, there is never a dull moment or a quiet moment around here!

Here I will share our day to day adventures and see just how often I give the answer "I am actually the nanny."

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