Sunday, December 14, 2014

I am staying with my friend's kids this weekend while they're at an event out of town. Two of the four kiddos had sleepovers last night, so it's just Oldest and Youngest this morning. They've been awake since 5:25am. It's still dark at 5:25am. Everyone should be sleeping when it's dark on a Sunday.

I was hanging out with Youngest in the living room when I had a feeling I should go check on Oldest. I walk by the kids bathroom and heard her say through the closed door,  "You're scared to death aren't you little one."

I open the door to investigate just exactly WHOM was "scared to death". I find her attempting to bathe the nine month old kitten - who was just spayed this week mind you!

She was correct with her assessment. The cat was definitely scared to death, and who could blame her, haha! There are four towels on the floor and at least 10 pumps of hand soap on the cats back. She had gotten away from Oldest and was hiding, shaking and generally looking annoyed!

Oldest: She was dirty so she needed a bath.
Me: What happened that she got dirty enough to "need" a bath?
Oldest: She layed down in her litter box.
Me: Oh.

Umm, if we had to bathe the cat every time she layed down in her litter box we'd be doing this multiple times a day! This is not a good reason to bathe a kitten in my opinion.

I scoop up the cat & one of the four towels and head to the kitchen where the sink is big enough to actually bathe the cat. This is an old house, so I wait what seems forever for warm water. Apparently the plumbing is reversed and "hot" means cold, and "cold" means hot. So I switch to "cold" and after a long thirty seconds I get warm water.

I rinse the now angry cat and remove the 10 pumps of hand soap from her fur. Then wrap her in a warm towel and dry her.  A cat bath was NOT on my agenda for 8:00 am today.

Ok, now I need a shower, and some anti-biotic ointment for all the kitty scratches I now have.

On to the next adventure today...........

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for all the spelling errors - wrote this on my phone while fixing breakfast! Haha
