Friday, December 19, 2014

SIX days until Christmas, time for a comedy break.

Whoo hoo, it's Friday!!

It's also only SIX days until Christmas. I have much to do before Christmas morning, and Saturday - when my family will celebrate Christmas all together. I have two more people to shop for and then a lot baking and wrapping to do. Instead of being productive this morning before the kiddos arrived I got distracted by funny videos.....I thought I would share them with you incase you need a mental break from the stress of it only being SIX days until Christmas (if you celebrate that is.)

Life with children is never boring and mostly funny.  Sometimes I forget I am out with adults, sans children, and have found myself saying things like "Look a train!", or "I need to go potty".  Even better I find myself swaying back and forth like I am rocking a baby......happens ALL the time. It;s bad and probably not the best way to find Mr. Right :-)  Thank goodness we outgrow *some* of these behaviors as we mature (although I am pretty sure I know a few adults who revert to four year old behavior fairly regularly.)

If you have never seen the videos by 'Convos with my 2 year old' on YouTube you are missing out.  They are highly entertaining....and slightly disturbing.

This however is one of my favorites - because I have lived this one many, many times!! Anyone else love and loathe the potty training process??

Oldest is in the middle of potty training which means that this will become our new normal once she is finished with diapers.  Oh. the joys of potty training & small bladders!!

Ok, off to make "snow" with Oldest and Middle and hopefully be productive during nap time!

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